3 Steps To Visualize Better

Visualization is the key to success!

If your visualizations aren’t working out the way you’d like, deliberately picturing your desire may be the step you’re missing.

Follow these three steps to make sure you’re using visualization, or what I like to call visioneering, effectively:

  1. Write down what you want—your goal, your dream—in as much detail as possible.
  2. Read it and rewrite it every day—twice a day preferably. Each time you do it, see, feel, and hear every detail of it. Immerse yourself in the environment. Live into it.
  3. As you’re doing this exercise, keep asking yourself the following question over and over: “Is this really what I want?” That is carefully examining the picture.

If you invest the time in taking these steps, I promise the payoff will be huge.

Now, I’d like to hear from you…

Have you ever made the mistake of being too vague when practicing visualization?

Has visualization ever helped you achieve a major goal, like getting your dream job or healing a relationship? If so, tell me about it about it.

Send me a mail to: philreutov@gmail.com

What other thoughts or feelings did this post trigger in you?

Leave a detailed comment below to let us know.

Thank you so much for reading this, and sharing your thoughts and experiences. It enlivens this discussion and can make a big difference in someone else’s life.

If anyone you know could use some help with getting clear on their desires, please share this post.

To more and better,

Phil Reutov
